5 Ways to Overcome Negative Thoughts

Once in a while, everyone is bound to go to that deep dark place. I’ve been there well too many times.  I am going to provide you with 5 steps that are going to help you.

Everyone has a way that works to get out of negativity. It works differently for everyone. But the following are few ways that are known top ways to help move your mind forward.

11.18.2016- Light and movement - Inspiration taken form the position of the lighting, and how it adds to the image's movement.  The light around her head may signify an angelic notion, while the darkness int he bottom of her skirt adds fullness and dropped shadows.:        MOVE /Movement: 

This one is pretty tough. When we are down and depressed, we tend to sit and stall in one place. It’s hard to move and your thoughts are the way to heavy. You must physically get up and walk away from that quicksand. Get out of the house or wherever you are. Just move, it gets your blood flowing creating a sense of freedom.

“Listening is not understanding the words of the question asked, listening is understanding why the question was asked in the first place.” ~ Simon Sinek:       Listen to Music

Music really is the gateway to the soul. Listen to uplifting, inspirational music. Give it about 20 minutes to kick in. Lie down on the floor and put your headphones on. Go outside and sit down and just listen to good music that will soothe your soul. I always found music to heal me, whether I was angry, down, sad or really not able to move. It just puts a sealant on your soul.

Words that touch my soul  Have a great weekend everyone!  #hobonichi #stationery…:      Write

When we are overwhelmed with life, we actually need to let all those emotions out. It’s hard to speak to a friend, family member or even someone you really truly trust. Sometimes you just don’t want to talk to anyone, that is the beauty of writing. Get a journal, or make one online b/ make it private. You can also pull up your notes app on the phone and just start writing. Write your true and raw feelings, emotions, every bit and piece that you are experiencing, that you would not fully disclose to anyone. This will help to clear your soul.

Are you the Indiana Jones type, always seeking out adventure and excitement or a classic tourist, with your head buried in a citymap and your change in a money-belt? come find out what kind of traveler you really are!:               Get out and about, Explore 

This part is kind of difficult because you really don’t want to be around anyone. It is really important for you to get out and be around the world. You do not need to talk to anyone, but you need to walk, move, breathe and experience different settings. Even if it’s to go to a park, mall, library, walk on the streets, coffee shop. Just go. Get out and be in the world, do not engage, but be there. You will notice, the change in your mind, when you are observing the world, looking around, breathing, feeling, and just seeing a bigger picture. It will get you distracted, even if it is temporary.

feed yourself goodies: Feed yourself positive thoughts

What I mean by this is quite simple. At one point, I had so much clutter in my head that I could not breathe. I was walking outside, it wasn’t feeling that great still. All of a sudden, I started to tell myself positive things. I told myself that I am strong, brave and amazing. I just kept chanting these few words in my head over and over again. Within a few minutes, my mind started to clear. I started to breathe and felt relieved. Whatever your mantra is, you make it and you tell yourself.

There are many things you can do to de-stress yourself, get out of the negative space and be an amazing person. These I believe are the top 5, which have always time to time helped me till today. I am not ashamed to say I have downfalls, that I am emotional because that’s what being a human is. We are emotional creatures, may one thing be more overtaking on our soul than others, but we are run by emotions.

Please let me know if these have helped you, or what else you do that helps you.

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